
The core of our business operation is technology development and partnership development. While HomeMeeting focuses on software development and provides technical training to our partners, our partners focus on marketing and sales of the HomeMeeting software and provide supports to their customers.

Currently we have established solid partnership in China, Japan, and South Korea. And we are seeking new partnership opportunity in other countries, especially in North American and in Europe.

HomeMeeting proudly supports the initiatives of Independent Sales Representatives. We offer lucrative high margin contract for experienced corporate/academic software sales reps. We provide complete technical training and experience sharing on market development from our existing partners, plus online just-in-time demo or recorded presentations and testimonials. We also provide our independent sales reps with a full sample line of product for use in demo, sales presentation, and customer trial run. Brochures and product fact sheets are also available.

For more information, please contact the HomeMeeting Global Partnership program manager.